Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank you, American Idol judges, for not ruining Season 8 for me

Tonight marks the second time I've screamed at my television so loudly that I've gone hoarse (the 1st time was when Sean Penn won the Oscar over Mickey Rourke, therefore causing me to tie instead of win this year's Academy Awards predictions). But more on that in a bit...

Let's rewind to last night's American Idol Top 7 performance show, shall we?

The theme was movie night... and I do love the cinema :)

Allison started the night off okay with an all right rendition of "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" from Armageddon. This song has been done a few times before on Idol and Allison put her little stamp on it. It wasn't one of her best performances, but it certainly wasn't one of her worst.

Anoop decided to stick with his monster ballads and serenaded us with "Everything I Do (I Do It For You) from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (oh Kevin Costner...). But I digress. He gave a solid performance and even had a dramatic pause near the end. Good, not great, but good.

Adam gave a rousing performance of "Born to Be Wild" from Easy Rider. Not one of my favorite songs, but he rocked the beJesus out of it, as per usual. I like how he does a wild rock song one week, then slows it down with a ballad or simple song the next week, then turns it back up to 11 the following week. The boy is a performance genius. I loved the strobe lights, his dancing, his interaction with the band... everything. I've said it before and I'll say it again, J'adore Adam Lambert. Snaps to you, sir. Snaps to you.

Matt Giraud (swoon) sang "Have You Every Really Loved a Woman?" from Don Juan DeMarco (um, hello? Johnny Depp circa 1995... also swoon). Matt hit some crunchy notes, and I mean *crunchy*. Cringe-worthy crunchy notes. But his entire performance wasn't bad, just a couple bum notes here and there. I instantly worried that he would be in the Bottom 3, so I did my part and called... lots of times. (BTW - loved his outfit)

Danny Gokey sang "Endless Love" from Endless Love. I was not a fan of his arrangement, even though I got what he was trying to do. I wish he didn't shout-sing so much... tone it down a bit, Ghokey, and keep those glasses on! I love his voice, but it's a bit harsh sounding for some of the quieter moments in songs. At least he didn't sing "Against All Odds". :)

Kris had the bravest song choice of the night, singing "Falling Slowly" from the brilliant Irish film, Once. Such an amazing song, but I was a bit worried for him as probably a lot of people weren't familiar with his selection. I wish he would have played his guitar, or at least had his duet partner within frame (or split screened) as he sang... it is a duet, and not being able to see the background vocalist was a bit eerie for me. He was also a bit pitchy.

And then there was Lil... singing "The Rose" from The Rose. In her pre-packaged segment, she was singing a very gospelled-up 2nd half of the song and there was hope that she was going to take that song and us on a gospel journey. Well, we were promised a trip to Church and never even made it out of the driveway. Lil is boring and has been giving us boring performances ever since she's been in the Top 13. That girl needs to figure out who she is as an artist and then let the rest of us in on it. I'm sick of her karaoke performances every week. I wanted her to get voted off so bad this week...

Which brings us to tonight's Results Show.

Musical guest Jennifer Hudson sang really well (of course), but please don't ever let Miley Cyrus sing on American Idol ever again. They shouldn't have people sing on the show who would never make it through to the Top 10 if they were normal people and auditioned... Enough with Miley already, geez Louise. 

Throughout the show, we learned the bottom 3 were Anoop, Lil and Matt. Anoop didn't deserve to be there, but all of the people who were safe really have a better chance at winning the whole thing, so by default, he was in the Bottom 3. At least he can have peace of mind that he wasn't in the Bottom 2 this week... that fell to Lil and Matt, and rightly so.

Before it was announced who the person with the least votes was, Ryan asked Simon if the Judge's Save would be put in play tonight and Simon said that he was thinking about it for one of them, but it might surprise that person. I was very much hoping he was talking about Matt Giraud, but we wouldn't find that out until after the commercial break (cue Idol music).

And there they were, Lil and Matt. You could tell that Matt thought he was the one with the least amount of votes and was not surprised with Ryan revealed that Lil was safe (ugh).

So, it Idol's biggest act of humiliation this season, Matt Giruad had to re-sing "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?" in front of the judges (sans piano) and try to convince them that he deserves their one judge's save.

And sing Matt did. I thought he did a better performance tonight than last night. He still his some super crunchy notes, but for the most part, he held his own. As he finished his song, the Idol crowd and my sister and I (who were watching from our living room) were all shouting "Save Him! Save Him!" When it came time for the judges to say whether they would save Matt or not, Simon commented that Matt did better last night... but that it was good news.

And *that's* when I started screaming at my television like an idiot. The judges used their one save for my favorite contestant this season, Matt Giraud.  :)  Smiles galore, folks.

This means that two contestants are going home next week. I'm hoping those contestants are Lil and Anoop (sorry Anoop). The theme for the next show is Disco... if Matt picks the right song, he could set himself back on track to making it to the Top 4, easily. I'm just really glad they decided to give him another chance... first with the Wild Card slot, then with the Judge's Save... come on Giraud, work it out!

So, I am a happy Idol watcher, knowing I have at least another week of iTunes downloads from Giraud... 

Do you think he still deserves to be there?

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